Build Next-Level Gutenberg Blocks with Bricks Builder

Power up Bricks-Gutenberg integration to build advanced Gutenberg blocks, elevating the client editing experience to a new level.
Get GutenBricks
1,500+ creators use GutenBricks to serve their clients
GutenBricks requires a running Bricks Builder
and will be compatible for Bricks 2.0

Advanced Block Customizations

Build powerful, reusable Gutenberg blocks using the Bricks Builder.
Variants and Toggles
With a few clicks, create multiple variants of blocks and toggles to hide and show elements.
Customize with Dynamic Data
Use your favourite plugins such as ACF and Meta Box to control blocks.
Clients can add blocks within blocks and you can control which blocks can be added.

Build Client Editing Experience

Allow clients to edit content freely without messing the code or design.
Seamless On-canvas Editing
Client can edit the content directly on Gutenberg editor.
Fine Tune Content Editing
Configure how clients edit the block, provide guidance with documentation, and add branding to your blocks.
Style and Class Editor
Give users the ability to add classes and styles to control blocks freely without breaking the design.
Supercharge your blocks with your favorite frameworks and libraries

Don’t take our word for it. Our customers say it best.

GutenBricks has been a game-changer for our web development projects. It bridges the gap between Bricks Builder’s flexibility and Gutenberg’s user-friendly interface, enhancing our ability to craft fast-loading, SEO-optimized websites.
Niko Alho
Co-founder & Technical SEO Specialist, Muutos Digital
Making the lives of my clients and myself easier is one of my biggest goals. GutenBricks helps me to provide the freedom my clients are always looking for without bringing the headache and struggles of giving them that freedom. Definitely a must have for all developers and agencies!
Philip Yong
Lead Developer, Littlefield Agency
Gutenbricks levels up our way to build Gutenberg blocks inside Bricks. We can give our clients a seamless way to edit WordPress websites, and due to the amount of time it helps us save, it pays itself back in the very first project.
Olli Koskimäki
Project manager, Nomon
GutenBricks gives me so much freedom! All my creative content that I normally use as templates can now be loaded in Gutenberg. This gives not only my clients more freedom, I can also focus more on content on my own websites. Ryan is an amazing developer that makes the best plugin in the last years.
Cees Coenen
Owner Digital Creative Agency and Musician
GutenBricks is the essential missing piece for creating client-friendly WordPress websites with Bricks Builder. It instills confidence in our clients, empowering them to edit their sites effortlessly with Gutenberg, while we continue to harness the power of our beloved Bricks Builder to design top-tier websites. For anyone using Bricks Builder, GutenBricks is an absolute must-have!
Stacey Watson
Founder, WP Care Plan
GutenBricks has made it easier than ever for clients to update the content on their Bricks-powered websites. The way Gutenbricks weaves together Bricks and Gutenberg is just incredible!
Steve Powell
Web Developer, Fellowship Studios
It is a fantastic idea to use Bricks builder to create blocks that are instantly available in the WordPress block editor, for use by customers, authors and editors that you don’t want to work in Bricks builder itself. They insert these blocks and change text and media in them, while the developer keeps full and central control over layout and styling in a single Bricks template. Gutenbricks makes this a reality! The support provided by creator Ryan Lee is amazing. Very impressed with this plugin!
Bart Breeschoten
Web Developer, Esdégé-Reigersdaal

Unlock the power of GutenBerg and Bricks



First Year Then $16 Per Year
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1 Live website
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First Year
Then $39 Per Year
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10 Live website
Plugin Updates


First Year
Then $89 Per Year
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Unlimited Live website
Plugin Updates
Priority Support
Agency LTD


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Lifetime Plugin Updates
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Available in 6 month Instalments
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14 Day Money Back Guaranteed
For upgrades, please contact us at [email protected]


Integration with third-party add-ons is our top priority, and it is always an ongoing process. As of version 1.0, we support integration with most popular Bricks add-ons. For more details, please contact [email protected].

Yes, GutenBricks support large number of ACF and Meta Box fields including repeater. If you’re coming from ACF Block, you will feel at home. The integration for ACPT and PODs are under research & development.

According to the Bricks 2.0 roadmap, a native Gutenberg feature may be released sometime in 2025. We don’t yet know what it will look like, but GutenBricks aims to provide advanced features and added value to enhance the native integration. You can think of it as similar to Advanced Themer or BricksForge in terms of the native experience.

And yes, it will be compatible with the upcoming Bricks components. We are working closely with the Bricks team.

Yes, you will need Bricks Builder and its add-ons to render blocks properly.

The content will remain within the blocks, and the blocks will still render without CSS. The original structure, however, is only available with Bricks Builder and GutenBricks.

No. If you don’t understand why you would need this by the time you’re reading this, you probably don’t need this.

Hi! My name is Ryan. I created GutenBricks to solve my own problem. We all know how hard it is to allow our clients to do updates themselves while keeping the website in one piece. 
GutenBricks solved that problem for me, saved me hundreds of hours and also brought me referrals through happy clients. My goal is to build a product that can make our lives and clients’ lives easier with more client-care features. Converting to blocks is just the bare minimum.
Ryan Lee
Founder of WiredWP