Build Next-Level Gutenberg Blocks with Bricks Builder

and will be compatible for Bricks 2.0

Advanced Block Customizations
Build Client Editing Experience

Unlock the power of GutenBerg and Bricks
Does it work with plugins such as ACSS, Advanced Themer, NextBricks (formerly BricksCore) and Bricks Extra?
Integration with third-party add-ons is our top priority, and it is always an ongoing process. As of version 1.0, we support integration with most popular Bricks add-ons. For more details, please contact [email protected].
Does it work ACF, Meta Box and ACPT?
Yes, GutenBricks support large number of ACF and Meta Box fields including repeater. If you’re coming from ACF Block, you will feel at home. The integration for ACPT and PODs are under research & development.
Do I still need GutenBricks if Bricks Builder is going to release a native Gutenberg block feature?
According to the Bricks 2.0 roadmap, a native Gutenberg feature may be released sometime in 2025. We don’t yet know what it will look like, but GutenBricks aims to provide advanced features and added value to enhance the native integration. You can think of it as similar to Advanced Themer or BricksForge in terms of the native experience.
And yes, it will be compatible with the upcoming Bricks components. We are working closely with the Bricks team.
Do I need GutenBricks and Bricks Builder activated?
Yes, you will need Bricks Builder and its add-ons to render blocks properly.
What happens to my blocks I deactivate Bricks Builder and GutenBricks?
The content will remain within the blocks, and the blocks will still render without CSS. The original structure, however, is only available with Bricks Builder and GutenBricks.
I’m new to Bricks Builder. Is this an essential plugin?
No. If you don’t understand why you would need this by the time you’re reading this, you probably don’t need this.
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