Build Advanced Gutenberg Blocks Using Bricks Builder

Harness the power of Bricks Builder's frontend engineering, rich libraries, and mature community to build Gutenberg Blocks tailored to your client's needs.

Better, Faster, No-code.

GutenBricks requires a running Bricks Builder

Turn Your Bricks Template into Gutenberg Blocks Instantly

Core Feature

Save your Bricks Template as a “GutenBricks Block.” It will be available as a block in Gutenberg editor. 

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Your Blocks are Editable on Canvas.

Editing Experience

Let your users edit content freely on your Blocks created out of Bricks Template. 

Render Blocks Dynamically. No coding is required.

Opens Up Possibilities

Use ACF, Meta Box or our built-in fields to allow users to control Blocks dynamically!

Use Custom Blocks in Your Blog Posts 

Add Flavour to Your Posts

Create a contact form and add it in the middle of your blog article for more audience or add interesting visual elements using Bricks Builder’s superior frontend engineering power. 


Build and Fine-tune Unique Client Experiences

Client Experience

Add Client-friendly Block names, descriptions and documentation for your blocks. We will be adding more features for you to build a unique editing experience that your clients will love!

Keep your blocks running after the plugin is deactivated

Siloed Content (Coming soon)

The core principle of GutenBricks is to gracefully separate content from design. To adhere this idea, we will be launching a feature to save content and allow users to keep rendering blocks. (Note: Editing is disabled. You will still need Bricks Builder to render blocks.)

We Support ACSS and Core Framework with more integrations on the way.

Third-Party Integrations

Integration with third-party add-ons and frameworks is our top priority to provide a seamless editing experience. Most copy-and-paste libraries are also supported and more integrations are coming up!

“You might ask...why would I need this?”

Harness the power of Bricks Builder's frontend engineering, rich libraries, and mature community to build Gutenberg Blocks tailored to your client's needs.

Better, Faster, No-code.

Get GutenBricks

Limited Life Time Deal. It will end in a few weeks.

  • Freelancer
    Launch LTD. Soon Yearly.
    Limited Time Offer
    One Time
    • 3 Websites
    • Life Time Update
    • All the features
    • Priority Support
  • Developer
    Launch LTD. Soon Yearly.
    Limited Time Offer
    One Time
    • 20 Websites
    • Life Time Update
    • All the features
    • Priority Support
  • Agency
    Launch LTD. Soon Yearly.
    Limited Time Offer
    One Time
    • Unlimited Websites
    • Life Time Update
    • All the features
    • Priority Support
    • Exclusive Early Accesses
    • Priority Feature Request
14 Day Money Back Guaranteed
For upgrades, please contact us at [email protected]
Olli Koskimäki
Project manager, Nomon

“Gutenbricks levels up our way to build Gutenberg blocks inside Bricks. We can give our clients a seamless way to edit WordPress websites, and due to the amount of time it helps us save, it pays itself back in the very first project.”

Philip Yong
Lead Developer, Littlefield Agency

“Making the lives of my clients and myself easier is one of my biggest goals. GutenBricks helps me to provide the freedom my clients are always looking for without bringing the headache and struggles of giving them that freedom. Definitely a must have for all developers and agencies!”

Niko Alho
Co-founder & Technical SEO Specialist, Muutos Digital 

“GutenBricks has been a game-changer for our web development projects. It bridges the gap between Bricks Builder’s flexibility and Gutenberg’s user-friendly interface, enhancing our ability to craft fast-loading, SEO-optimized websites.”

Stacey Watson
Founder, WP Care Plan

“Gutenbricks is the essential missing piece for creating client-friendly WordPress websites with Bricks Builder. It instills confidence in our clients, empowering them to edit their sites effortlessly with Gutenberg, while we continue to harness the power of our beloved Bricks Builder to design top-tier websites. For anyone using Bricks Builder, Gutenbricks is an absolute must-have!”

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need this plugin to develop Bricks Builder websites?

No. This tool is for those who want to use Bricks templates on Gutenberg editor to enhance client experience.

I'm building websites for myself using Bricks Builder. Will I need this plugin?

No. This plugin is for professional and seasoned users who build websites for their clients and who want to create a better client experience through integration between Bricks Builder, Gutenberg and tools such as ACF. If you’re building websites for yourself, we highly recommend you to use only Bricks Builder.

Does it work with tools such as ACSS, Advanced Themer, Core Framework and OxyProps? 

The plugin will offer support for several major plugins, including ACSS, and Advanced Themer. We are committed to ongoing efforts to enhance integration.

I'm using ACF Blocks. Will it work like ACF Blocks?

Yes, you’ve come to the right place. With GutenBricks, you can now instantly create blocks that work like ACF blocks within a few clicks. Skip the coding and just think about how much money and time you can save!

Because GutenBricks already comes with an inline editor where you can edit texts and images directly, you will not need as many fields. You can still add options such as layouts or styles for your clients to choose just like what you did with ACF Blocks. My clients love it!

Will the Gutenberg blocks look exactly the same as Bricks templates?

They not only look the same but also behave the same on the frontend. If they don’t look or behave as you expected, please email us at [email protected]

However, please note block CSS might not look identical on Gutenberg editor on WordPress admin panel based on how CSS is configured on the backend.

If you update the style or content of templates, will it update blocks as well?

Yes. The way updates are reflected on blocks are designed to fit in the real world scenarios, tested with our in-house clients who uses the features of this plugin.

To summarize:

1. If you change the style of a Bricks template, it will also update the Gutenberg block’s style globally. This way, design updates are applied instantly. 

2. If you update the content of the same template, it will not update the content, unless the content is in a new DOM. So that contents created by your clients will stay intact and new contents you added will still be visible.

Do I still need Bricks Builder theme, ACSS, Advanced Themer or other add-ons after I created page using the blocks?

Yes. You will need to keep Bricks Builder theme, and all the add-ons that you used to create the templates activated in order to display the content properly.

“Converting to Blocks is just a bare minimum.”

“Hi! My name is Ryan. I created GutenBricks to solve my own problem. We all know how hard it is to allow our clients to do updates themselves while keeping the website in one piece. GutenBricks solved that problem for me, saved me hudreds of hours and also brought me referals through happy clients. My goal is to build a product that can make our lives and clients' lives easier with more client-care features. Converting to blocks is just the bare minimum.”

Ryan Lee, Founding developer at WiredWP